Heat-resistant parts of cement rotary kiln

Release time:2024-08-20 view:

The cement rotary kiln is a type of rotary kiln, which is a special type of rotary kiln for processing cement. The cement rotary kiln currently produced is mainly a kind of equipment for paving the dry and wet production lines of cement clinker. The cement rotary kiln is used to calcine clinker from limestone, clay, etc. to produce cement. Cement production should go through "two grindings and one burning" (i.e. raw material grinding system, clinker calcining system and cement grinding system). Among them, the clinker calcining system is a thermal process of burning cement raw materials into cement clinker at high temperature, which is an extremely important and critical stage in cement production. The material is fed into the kiln through the kiln tail (high end) chute. Due to the inclination and slow rotation of the cylinder, the material rolls along the circumference on one side and moves axially from the kiln tail (high end) to the kiln head (low end); the fuel is sprayed into the kiln from the kiln head end (low end) through the burner for combustion, and the heat is transferred to the material by radiation and conduction. The material is calcined during the movement and discharged from the kiln head end, and the high-temperature flue gas enters the kiln tail dust removal system from the kiln tail end.

The rotary kiln chain is a heat-resistant accessory of the rotary kiln, which mainly increases the heat transfer area, strengthens heat transfer, and accelerates the evaporation of slurry water. The temperature of the chain material at the hot end is controlled at 200~300℃; some are controlled at 250~350℃, and the maximum cannot exceed 400℃. In order to prevent the chain from being burned, the flue gas temperature at the hot end should not be too high. The hot end chain is made of heat-resistant steel. The kiln mouth guard plate of the rotary kiln is an important part used to protect the kiln body and the furnace lining. The commonly used kiln mouth guard plate material is ZG40Cr25Ni20Si2. This material has excellent high temperature resistance, oxidation resistance and corrosion resistance. Its main components are chromium, nickel, silicon, nitrogen, etc. ZG40Cr25Ni20Si2 is a high-temperature alloy material suitable for high-temperature working environments above 1100℃. At the same time, it also has good mechanical properties and thermal fatigue resistance, which can meet the requirements of heavy-load work under high temperature. In order to ensure the quality and service life of the material, the kiln mouth guard plate is usually produced by vacuum negative pressure casting process. This process can effectively reduce the porosity and number of inclusions in the material, and improve the density and mechanical properties of the material.

The heat-resistant steel rotary kiln guard plates and chains produced by Zhili New Materials are favored by the cement industry. We have a professional team, product quality assurance, and perfect after-sales service. We also provide product export services.


rotary kiln guard plates

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